Most of the time people will get their honey from grocery stores. The reason is that most of us believe that grocery stores have pure organic honey. What most people don’t know is that there is real honey and then there is fake honey. If you don’t know how to check the purity of honey, you will most likely not be able to identify the pure one. But you test it at your home and this guide will help you check the purity of honey with simple tests.
If you can’t tell fake honey from real one, you are most likely to buy bad products. But there is massive demand for organic honey and due to this reason grocery stores follow a practice of replacing organic with synthetic honey that is made not in nature but in factories.
Why you should not use factory-produced honey?
The manufacturing process causes processed honey to lost most of its nutrients. This happens as a normal thing because of the filtration process. But this will not give you high-quality honey. The FSN reports that food industries follow a practice of ultrafiltration so that the geographical origin of their honey cannot be traced with pollen examination.
According to Professor Vaughn Bryant, almost 75 percent of honey available in the market has 0 percent pollen. There are many tips that can help in identifying factory-made honey and natural raw honey.
The World of Fake Honey
It is highly likely that you are taking fake honey. Fake honey is also known as artificial or adulterated impure honey. It has the following main contents:
- Sugar syrups
- Corn syrup
- Molasses
- Flavors
- Additives
According to a GHgeochem postulated test, it was indicated that when pure honey gets adulterated with corn syrup, the adulteration can be proven by detecting the isotope ratio which falls between the 2 values. They claimed that most of the so-called ‘pure’ honey products contain corn syrup.
Pure Real Honey
Real honey is not made in factories, it should come from bees. Real pure honey is mostly referred to as natural and organic honey. You cannot easily tell real honey from fake. It will require conducting some tests to tell the two. Most products available stores are actually not the organic product you expect them to be.
So How Can You Check the Purity of Honey
The Natural Nigerian reports that most producers use sugar syrup and molasses for diluting nectar-made honey to increase their profits. Many also add sand, flour, ground chalk and sawdust to increase its thickness. You should do the following tests to check the purity of honey at your home.
- Thumb Test
- Put a small drop of it on your thumb
- Look at it closely to see if it spreads or spills around
- If it spreads or spills, you will know that the honey is not pure
Pure honey remains intact.
- Water Test
- Take a glass of water and add 1 tbsp honey into it
- If the honey is artificial or adulterated, it is going to dissolve in water (it can be seen around the glass)
- Pure honey settles down at the bottom
- Organic Honey – Flammable Test
Most people don’t know that organic honey is flammable. This test will tell you if you have 100 percent pure organic honey.
- Dip the tip of a dry matchstick into the honey you have
- Then strike this stick on the matchbook to light it
- The matchstick lights easily if it is pure honey
- Even the flame keeps burning due to the honey
But if the honey has impurities, it is not going to light as fake honey has moisture in it.
The above-mentioned tests are common and simple methods for testing pure honey.
You can also use this method:
- Take the honey and add some water plus 2 to 3 drops vinegar essence
- Mix it thoroughly
- If you see the solution turning foamy, you have adulterated honey
Telling Pure Honey From Fake Honey
You can also tell pure and impure honey through the examination of its physical qualities. The following differences in properties can help you know the real thing from the unreal one. Once you practice it well, it will become easier to detect the impurities.
Properties of Fake Honey
- It foams
- It drips easily because it is runny
- It has rough texture and can clump
- It can easily separate into layers
- May not have any smell or may have sour smell
Properties of Pure Honey
- It doesn’t foam usually
- It is thick and trickles only in one stream
- It has soft texture (gives you a filament like feel)
- It will never separate into layers
- It give the aroma of honey
If you don’t know how to check pure honey, you can buy any product without the real qualities. There are so many shortcomings and side effects to artificial honey and most people are not aware of it. It is nothing else but a synthetic preparation that is readily absorbed by our body.
Next Article: Combine Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey For A Huge Boost To Your Health
Source: Dr. Green Body
Angela Efird
May 05. 2016
Buy local, better yet from the bee farm.
Kathy Margheim
May 05. 2016
Samantha Cason
Randy Cook
May 05. 2016
Excellent article.
Amanda Buchanan
May 06. 2016
Louis Buchanan …interesting.
Darlene Clark
May 08. 2016
Very intetesting article. I generally purchase honey from the health food store, however, I’m going to check it out.
Alles Paletti
May 12. 2016
Natural Healing Zone
Jun 30. 2016
who else really gets healthy living
Eat, Drink, and Be Rested
Jul 01. 2016
Great post about natural solutions. Thanks for the information.
Danielle Lefor Wallace
Jul 02. 2016
One thing I hate about these articles is they always say fake honey clumps and can feel gritty. Well real honey does crystallize as it ages, I have some raw honey on my counter that is getting quite gritty and by the time I’m done with the jar it will be very clumpy, to the point that it is practically no longer a liquid.
Barbara Weaver
Jul 21. 2016
Madeline Hill
Jul 22. 2016
best health fan! have you looked at how Cellulites disappear with this product?
Natural Healing Zone
Jul 22. 2016
Natural Healing Zone
Jul 22. 2016
Important Info !
Natural Healing Zone
Oct 28. 2016
yes yes!<3
Natural Healing Zone
Oct 28. 2016
Thanks ! big Natural health fan here
Health Is Everything
Jan 14. 2017