Many Experts say that sugar is a major cause of disease and cancer. It also steals our energy, created brain fog, achy joints, headaches, allergies and so much more! So, why is it being dumped into most of our food? That’s a great question! The key feeling better, is to start detoxing on a regular basis. This 10 day detox might be what you’re looking for. Learn some reasons on why we should immediately detox our body from sugar all on the Next Page.
Why We Should Immediately Detox Our Body From Sugar
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3 Responses to “Why We Should Immediately Detox Our Body From Sugar”
July 8, 2016
[…] experiment? We decided to do a urine pH test before the detox and then another pH test after the detox to compare the results. My first pH test showed to be more on the acidic side of normal. I was ready […]
Oil Supplements
Nov 05. 2017
Rumiel Daymiel
May 18. 2019
Great content, informative and well written.