Having a tumor in the uterus is not an easy thing. But a woman named Veselina Stevic decided to treat herself all naturally and discovered a 3 ingredient recipe that saved her life. The doctors were amazed and so was she when she learned her cancerous tumor disappeared. Learn how she did it and the recipe she used to help heal herself all on the Next Page.
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Alles Paletti
Jun 15. 2016
Jun 15. 2016
She also recommended one recipe from combination of:
100 grams aloe juice
500 grams walnuts
300 grams raw honey
Mix all 3 ingredients until you get a fine paste, which you have to keep in a cold and dark place, best in a fridge. Take one tablespoon of this mixture, three times a day, about 30 minutes after each meal. Nice and simple.
Zuchano Murry
Jun 15. 2016
Nice one
Name (required)
Jun 20. 2016
I am going to try it, would not hurt,
Oil Supplements
Oct 14. 2017