When you enjoy fresh fruit juices they do much more than giving you that amazing sweet taste. They also replenish your body with daily nutrients. You can enjoy them any time of the day and they help in maintaining your health.
Remember you shouldn’t consume lots of juices as they also have sugar in them.
When your goal is to lose weight, you should start building a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day.
You should follow the below-mentioned combinations in equal parts. This combination should be mixed with ice in 2 to 1 ratio. So you will be using 2 parts of juice and 1 part of ice.
Fruit Juices
You can make the best fruit juices with the following combinations:
- Cranberry, prune & grape
- Apple & pear
- Grapefruit & orange
- Pineapple, pear & apple
- Watermelon & apple
Green Juices
The best combinations for green juices are as following:
- Tomato, spinach, celery & dill
- Celery, cabbage, spinach, lemon & dill
- Kale, celery, tomato, sweet basil & garlic
- Ginger, celery, parsley & cucumber
- Spinach, garlic, cayenne, ginger & tomato
The following are the ingredients for the best combination juices:
- Strawberry, green apple, mint, kale & cucumber
- Pineapple, mango, watermelon & orange bell pepper
- Orange, lime, ginger & lemon
- Blueberry, cabbage, mint, raspberry & cucumber
- Orange, spinach, pineapple, cayenne & watermelon
How Do Fresh Fruit Juices Make You Healthy?
When you combine fruits and veggies, you will get a mixture that is full of tons of health benefits. It will give you a highly powerful nutritional drink. Cucumber, for example, works by cleansing your body and parsley works as a mild diuretic. Watermelon has alkaline fluid that helps in neutralizing acids. It also helps in eliminating toxins from kidneys. When you want to get an overall body cleansing, you should make a juice that has watermelon, parsley and cucumber and slight amount of ginger.
Benefits of Drinking Fresh Fruit Juice
When you drink juices, you will be training both your mind and body for consuming lesser amounts of foods and calories. This will be significantly helpful for you for losing weight.
However, most of us who drink juices available in stores don’t know or don’t take it seriously that these so called ‘juices’ don’t have all the required nutrients.
These bottled juices also undergo pasteurization so that they can remain on the shelf for extended periods of time. This causes loss of the crucial nutrients. So you will be left with nothing but the flavor and unwanted sugar.
Another advantage of preparing your own juices at home is that there will be no loss of nutrients or fiber.
Preparing Mean Green Juice
Follow these steps to prepare the green juice with your blender (the poor man’s juicer).
- Cucumber – Half
- Kale leaves – 3
- Green apple – 1
- Quarter of a lemon
- Small piece of ginger
- Celery stalks – 2
- Water – 1 cup
You will also need a paint strainer bag (1 gallon), a blender, a bowl, and a knife.
- Pour the water into the blender
- Add the softer ingredients into the blender and blend
- Then add kale and blend
- Now put the bag over the bowl
- Pour the contents of the blender into this bowl through the strainer bag
- Squeeze the ingredients in the bag to get all the juice out of it into the bowl
Pour the green juice in the bowl in to a glass and your juice is ready to drink.
Source: Family Health Freedom Network

Ida Glasgow Drewrey
May 04. 2016
100% Vital
May 04. 2016
100% Vital
May 04. 2016
Just my thoughts, anything about wholesome living are fab
Natural Healing Zone
Nov 25. 2016
anyone else like natural healing as much as me ?