Everyone has to eat in order to function on a daily basis. Food is so much apart of our lives and used to be that we would spend much of our day making and preparing meals. These days, it’s all about how quick we can eat and get back to what we are doing in our busy lives. Not many people give a lot of thought to the food they are ingesting and what it’s actually doing to their bodies. On the Next Page Dr. Shah gives her perspective about food and how everyone should know what most people put in their bodies is just a toxic soup just helping to grow disease in the our bodies. Enjoy the article on the next page and be sure to share it with friends and family.
Things We Wish We Knew About Our Food, Dr. Shah’s Perspective
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Yossef Lamnaware
Aug 18. 2016
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TCM Healing Secrets
Aug 18. 2016
<3 Nice thanks
TCM Healing Secrets
Aug 18. 2016
IMO stuff about this topic is fab