If you knew the details about corn and why we as humans shouldn’t be eating it, you wouldn’t eat it. Corn was grown as long ago as 6000 years ago, but was much different than we know it today. Corn is used in many products that many of us consume on a daily basis and it’s hurting our health. Find out what corn does to your body when you consume it all on the Next Page.
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Trevor Bachi
Feb 15. 2016
I knew corn was no good.
John Tomkinson
Feb 15. 2016
There is an interesting DVD titled: “King Corn” on the subject! ‘H’
Ann Forlby
Feb 15. 2016
Suzie Judd
Feb 15. 2016
Candise Eaton interesting
Cheryl Issa
Feb 15. 2016
90% GMO, corn tortillas no more…no chips n salsa
Jennifer Ann
Feb 15. 2016
Nicole Skaropoulos Rigby
Adesh Sankar
Feb 16. 2016
All that is a bunch of bull crap man has been eating corn forever the reason y corn is no good is bcuz Monsanto has genetically modified the corn and it had pesticides like roundup and lots of nasty stuff to make them resistant to desease and bugs.Think about it when you older people were young and your parents bought corn remember sometimes the corn grains were brown and discoloured , think abt it now when you buy corn it’s all perfect and sweet none is ever bad , Read up on the horrible company Montsanto!
Diana Askins Rathbun
Feb 16. 2016
I be seen this video. It opens your eyes.
Pat Klungtvedt Hanson
Feb 16. 2016
Would it be alright if I grow my own organic, gmo free, take digestive enzymes, and chew it very well?
Brenda Weed-Depalma
Feb 16. 2016
I buy GMO free
Hollie Ensminger
Feb 16. 2016
Rena Monson
Rena Monson
Feb 17. 2016
I have been buying GMO free however it still hurts my stomach so I have to wonder if it’s really GMO free!
Sharon Lee Okie
Feb 20. 2016
We eat organic corn…which used to be any corn before the chemical monsters took over. I am seeing that Extreme Natural Health News is not investigating what they share. Beware!!!
Rosario Sapaico Melendez Mulder
May 09. 2017
I believe
Monsanto fault
Jane Meadows
May 09. 2017
Oil Supplements
Dec 20. 2017
Worth to be shared
Maya Papaya
Dec 21. 2017
What about USDA Masa Harina?
Maya Papaya
Dec 21. 2017
Corn seed is a vegetable because it is harvested for eating. (Usually sweet corn when grain is harvested at the milk stage.) … Field corn that is harvested when the seeds are dry would thus be considered a grain. Sweet corn when harvested before maturity is usually considered a vegetable.