When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it is a very big shock to themselves and their family. Most people obviously follow what their doctor or specialist suggests to do. And most of the time, that is to go through chemotherapy. But one doctor, Dr. Hardin B. Jones has been studying the lifespan of cancer patients for the last 25 years and came to some pretty incredible conclusions. His findings, were published in the journal Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences and once you know them you too will be upset with our medical system and this cash cow, layers of lies! You won’t find this information in mainstream media, but you will find it on the Next Page.
Study Finds – Cancer Patients Die Faster With Chemotherapy Than With No Treatment At All
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ShaKira Thornton
Dec 24. 2015
Dawn Gullett Vanportfleet
Dec 24. 2015
Not surprised
Carol Parrimore
Dec 24. 2015
I always knew that
Yolanda Pego Dominguez
Dec 24. 2015
Depends of someone’s body
Each one of us fight illnesses differently
In my case it save my life and Faith 13 years survivor Amen
Tina Louise Scott
Dec 24. 2015
I believe it
Yolande Gorrill
Dec 25. 2015
oh my…..
Eileen Winder
Apr 09. 2016
Yes they do. I lost my mom 18 months after she was diagnosed. Went through chemo and it just went super fast.
Leslie A. Vadnais
Apr 09. 2016
Right….because it kills your immune system.
Heidi Kovacs
Apr 09. 2016
My Mom lived 20 + years. I think you need to have a clean diet, clean environment and low stress. Most people don’t change anything because they don’t think those three things cause cancer.
Louann Hartnett
Apr 09. 2016
Beth Hill Ross
Apr 09. 2016
We know!! And it’s why we have Breast Cancer Alternatives… https://m.facebook.com/groups/1120264538013507
David Byers
Apr 09. 2016
It’s not all that simple. That is true in some cases but what about those whose lives have been saved by chemo and other treatments? I have known some who have literally died from the treatments but have friends who are alive because of them. my point is that erery case is different.
Judy Marg
Apr 09. 2016
OK, wanting to actually look at the source for this ended up pretty much being a wild goose chase. The Natural News article does not link to the study. Searching the journal name turns it up on Wiley Online Library. First note-it was published from 1881-1983. All issues are listed on Wiley. Assuming their search engine is functional, the only 2 listings for the Dr. said to be the author are in member lists.
Barbara Delafield Sullivan
Apr 09. 2016
That’s Bulls—, sorry,know many people who have been saved or have lived much longer, depends on your cancer and your will to live, don’t be stupid!!!!
Erica Smith
Apr 10. 2016
Lorina Aqila
Apr 10. 2016
Janice Hogle
Apr 10. 2016
Beg to differ- I’m still here 10 yrs later, it saved MY LIFE!
Julie Gottselig Poff
Apr 10. 2016
Nobody deserves to live this way, take back your life like I did. You only have one so you have to treat it right and if you put the right nutrients in then it can and will begin to heal itself. No more meds and no more pains, I am truly blessed.
Marcia L. Jones
Apr 10. 2016
People are different and their bodies respond differently. This is true in 3 cases of people that I know and witnessed the difference. They started chemo ( 2 females, 1 male ) and died within several weeks of the treatment. Before they were able to get around and had some energy but once they started chemo, they were bed ridden and passed shortly after. 🙁
Linda Frazier
Apr 10. 2016
It is not bull for those whose loved ones dies faster with treatment. It may save some but kills others . My mom had brain tumor and was walking, driving etc til she started getting radiation treatments and each treatment made her weaker and weaker til she was bedridden and died less than 2 months after her last treatment. Those criticizing did not experience what we went through and have NO RIGHT to say we are liars. You take treatments you want but if others want to take the chance fine. Next time I will put my faith in better diet and holistic meds. Will never believe toxins and radiation will improve you, depending on your age and cancer.
Linda Frazier
Apr 10. 2016
I am happy for those it helped but every case is different. So shows consideration and respect for those it did not work but hastens their deaths.
Marcia L. Jones
Apr 10. 2016
Sorry about your Mom 🙁 I know how you feel, it was within a 6 week period with my sister, 3 weeks my grad father and about 2 months a dear friend, not to mention the many people that i know who experienced the same thing with their loves ones.
Marta Beltran
Apr 11. 2016
Que raro eso ya se sabe
Bev Bosworth
Apr 11. 2016
This makes me very angry as I have a grand daughter with ALL who is getting chemo injection in her spine! She is 15 and is really suffering at TampaGeneral with these hideous treatments! She had a traumatic injection that let spinal fluid leak out of her spinal cord and caused a week or more of excruciating pain in her back! She was on morphine because of it all! I am so heart broken and pissed off I can’t begin to tell you:(.
Patty Via
Apr 11. 2016
I believe this. Chemo lowers the body’s ability to fight infections.
Michelle Louize
Apr 14. 2016
In my case, I was given one injection one day after each chemotherapy session. The medical component in the injection restores the damaged white blood cells. Levels were perfect, so I was able to continue on. Takes time, but the body does heal.
Autumn Wagner Lumpkin
May 12. 2016
Absolutely false…
Yvonne Heppner
May 12. 2016
How do you know that?
Kathy McMorrow
May 12. 2016
I agree. If it comes to a choice for me, I will take whatever comes to any chemo.
Patricia Murphy
May 13. 2016
I don’t think I know anyone who has survived their chemo treatment…
Autumn Wagner Lumpkin
May 13. 2016
My mom would already be dead if it were not for chemo…so you can’t make a blanket statement that cancer patients die faster with chemo than with no treatment at all…
Autumn Wagner Lumpkin
May 13. 2016
Easy to say when you are not in that situation. When you are writhing in pain because the tumors on your liver are causing such pain that even ms contin isn’t taking away the pain, and they tell you that chemo will shrink the tumors, therefore taking away that pain, I would guess that your choice may change.
Anne Nazarian
Sep 14. 2016
Angela Whatley
Sep 14. 2016
Scam and like some Nazionale s**t
Angela Whatley
Sep 14. 2016
Sounds like some $#%&!@*$#%&!@*that they do to human guinea pigs
Laura Killeen
Sep 14. 2016
I believe you made the better choice
Jennifer Shifferd Dillaha
Sep 14. 2016
You don’t say!
Sheena Arsenault
Sep 15. 2016
This is a personal choice, and a very difficult one, but my mum at 68 was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian cancer. Deciding not to move forward with chemo we believe gave her 5 years of quality life
Carol Larsen
Sep 15. 2016
Cancer is a business.
Linda Sparks
Sep 15. 2016
Chemotherapy is the only reason my husband is alive today – he had cancer of the lymph system…30 years ago. Every case is different.
Connie Erickson
Sep 15. 2016
GARBAGE…. I would not be here if it wasn’t for Chemo. Get a Fantastic Reputable Onocologist !!!!!
Katherine Kryklywy
Sep 15. 2016
The current statistics do not support this claim in any way. Chemo, while unpleasant can and does save lives for millions of people. For some recurrent cancers it can have mixed affects, some thrive for years after while others suffer from the chemo only to have the cancer return in a relatively short time. To suggest that oncologists are only in it for the money is ridiculous to anyone who has been under their and their teams care. As a 3 year survivor of stage 4 ovarian cancer I would have been dead 3 years ago if chemo had not cleared the multiple existing tumours at that time. This type of article only makes it worse for patients and caregivers at a difficult time. 1 person and 1 questionable study does not mean the truth!
Teri Silva
Sep 15. 2016
Ya think? Build the immune system, not poison it. Dah
Vivian Hewett
Dec 27. 2017
This is so true. Chemotherapy is poison.
Gail Davidson
Dec 27. 2017
I’ve said that all along
Jananne Schlerf
Dec 28. 2017
7 rounds of chemo 15 years ago- I am still alive and well.
Meg Kapp
Dec 29. 2017
2 people I know died after their first round of chemo