We all know that GMO crops have nothing good to provide our health. And this is what cafeterias are providing for our children…genetically modified, processed crap and our poor children are the experiment. The only rational idea here is to keep our next generation sick, so the “Big Guys” can keep on rolling out the vaccines and medications making us even more sick. Well, we’re tired of it and we hope you are too! Learn more about this all on the Next Page and then let us know by commenting what you think and what should be done to stop this! Lastly, share this and lets make a change!
School Kids Have Been Targeted As A GMO Experiment
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Lana Hazard
Feb 26. 2016
Some america
Kenneth Krause
Feb 26. 2016
This has been my assessment for years now. All of our health but especially our children. Funny when all the talk about Obama Care several years ago the danger of our food was never mentioned
Maria Larchick Janke
Feb 27. 2016
I Totally Agree!… Ugh