The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. The liver’s main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. As it does so, the liver secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines.
If the liver is not functioning well, it can lead to serious health problems. So, it’s in your best interest to keep your liver clean. On the Next Page learn this 100+ year old safe and effective liver cleanse that takes just 24 hours.
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Kim Johnson
Jun 19. 2015
I’d like to know who has had experience with this.
Rebecca Kluck
Mar 04. 2017
I just completed my 4th one today. Successfully passed 100 stones today. In TOTAL, I passed around 400-500 stones. And my Gallbladder pain that I have had every day for a year in GONE. The only option that the doctor will give you is to remove the gallbladder; and that is not necessary because this cleanse works so well. It is a lot of work and is expensive too do. Please see my comment in the Danielle Slupe comment section.. I was trying to leave this comment with you but somehow it ended there.
Robert Enns
Dec 20. 2015
Where can you get unrefined Epsom salt?
Rebecca Kluck
Mar 04. 2017
Walmart -Just regular Magnesium Sulfate Epsom Salt – in the health section – On the box it will say “Soaking Solution” Saline Laxative” “Plant Food supplement” –
Robert Enns
Jan 14. 2016
The recipe states unrefined Epsom salt but the instructions stated unrefined sea salt. Which one is it? Where to find unrefined Epsom salt?
Patricia Fleming
Jan 15. 2016
..just use some milk thistle caps
Danielle Slupe
Jan 15. 2016
What’s with the pic of green chunks in the bowl? Is that supposed to come out of u some how?
Rebecca Kluck
Mar 04. 2017
Today I did my 4th gallbladder cleanse. I passed 100 stones today. so far including all 4 cleanses I passed about 400-500 stones. There is a little more to this than this story. You need to prepare your body for this cleanse to prevent problems. Colonic Irrigation is needed prior and after this cleanse. Especially AFTER. I had 3 colonics done prior to preforming this cleanse. Then after that I do one before and one needs to be done 2 to 3 days afterwards. In all 4 of my cleanses, gallstones were left over in the colon. gallstone left in the colon will cause health problems so it is incredibly important to do one afterwords. Also, you need to drink apple juice (32 oz) daily 6 days prior. Apple juice had malic acid in it which softens those babies up so they don’t hurt or get stuck when they are passing thru the bile ducts. I would recommend getting a book on this whole thing before you do this. If you do it to the T, you should not have any problems. There are people who end up calling 911 afterwards because of a painful stone that got stuck. A suggestion who be to get “The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse” by Andreas Moritz (PS: I have had gallbladder pain for the past year and the doctor will recommend surgery and there is no need for gallbladder surgery when this works so well to remove the stones.) However, it is a lot of work and it is a little expensive to do. (Colonics $70 – apple juice $30) But it is worth it. Good Luck!
Rebecca Kluck
Mar 04. 2017
Comes out your colon. If done right, it is not painful at all. The gallstones will float in the toilet.
Billie Mae
Aug 09. 2016
Edna May Harbin
Aug 09. 2016
Agreed :/
Aug 09. 2016
Nice thanks a lot :p
Jenny Mallin
Aug 09. 2016
Is this healthy to do? Any medical research ? Just curious
Raluca Classical BellyDance
Aug 09. 2016
David Cohen
Brenda Vosatka Pratt
Aug 09. 2016
Milke thistle works great..this can be dangerous..
Aug 10. 2016
Why recommend bread?? Gluten? As a light meal?? This is very old post! When reposting info should be updated
TCM Healing Secrets
Oct 31. 2016
loving the fanpage
Angeline Betts
Dec 15. 2017
This is the one that I do every year,
Oil Supplements
Jan 02. 2018
Cool :