Parasites are an organism that lives in or on another organism and benefits by deriving nutrients from the host. There are many kinds of parasites that can be found in a human body. Some of these parasites cause different diseases or some are known as parasitic diseases.
Malaria is one example of a disease caused by a parasite. The most common parasite in a human body is the worms living in the intestine. Although most parasitic diseases can be cured. Getting rid of it is the most efficient way to avoid or prevent parasitic diseases. On the Next Page Learn the Natural Remedies To Remove Parasites From Your Body.
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beverly ray
Jan 09. 2017
what about h pylori
Amiee Spaulding
Jan 09. 2017
Lisa D Thiemann watch this video good for inflammation also!
Nancy Lombera
Jan 11. 2017
Tony Spurlin