Lemons are a miraculous fruit with tons of health benefits. If you’re not eating the rind, then you are for sure missing out on majority of the health benefits. We’re sure you read the articles about lemons being 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. We’re sure you wondering are Lemons a Cancer Cure? Well, so were we. That’s why we brought you this article from Dr. Chakravarty who is the Chief Science and Technology Officer and member of the Hope4Cancer Executive Team. Read his thoughts on the Next Page.
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Anjum Farasat
Sep 23. 2015
Good tip.
Sherri Benedetti
Sep 23. 2015
Kim Rinker Diss
Sherri Lynn Lyrette
Sep 24. 2015
They are good any way you use them!
Ashlee Chancellor Black
Sep 26. 2015
Wendi Potter Grimes
Glenna F. MacDonald
Oct 01. 2015
alkaline prevent cancer
Tammy Love
Oct 02. 2015
Sheridan Johnson
Lolly Wilk Schwartz
Oct 04. 2015
Like your posts.
Sheila Spleen
Oct 07. 2015
Yes they are very good
Barbara Jamison
Oct 07. 2015
Good nutritional news
Jan 26. 2016
I Love lemons!
Melissa Skwark
Apr 24. 2016
Janet Fehr is this what you guys were talking about last night?
Manda Cleyne
Apr 24. 2016
It’s probaly healthy but I get so sick of reading that everything cures cancer if that would be true they would be no more people fighting & dying from cancer everyday so please think before you say this
Janette Waddington McGuire Long
Apr 24. 2016
It is true but people have to quit the bad and eat all good. I know of 3 friends/ relatives who over the last 20 years cured their cancer with food and vitamins. One friend was give 5 years. She went to an alternative and was only allowed raw fruit and vegetables. She kicked it and is alive today. Another friend was in our newspaper because the prostate cancer was now all through his body. He toke the items he was told and read about. Lived to 83. My father in law toke some chemo but it was killing him. He read up on vitamins……. he lived to 93. It works for some or maybe even most. They will not tell you and do not want you to know. I have had that happen with illnesses. And when you find a doctor that will work with you and help you do it right, they are asked to leave the area.
Doreen O'Toole
Apr 24. 2016
Sadly, most of the time, they are dying from the treatments. Cancer is big business, most people only know conventional chemo and radiation. The Dr. wound’t and couldn’t tell a patient, there is another way, alternative. Most of the time you have to educate yourself. Many Drs, oncologists and radiologist have themselves or sent their family members for alternative. Sad but true… So what do you have to loose, if they tell you, you have 3 mos – 5 yrs even with their treatments.
Doreen O'Toole
Apr 24. 2016
I can testify to that.
Manda Cleyne
Apr 24. 2016
O I agree Doreen I would try everything but what I am saying is that it is not that easy !!!!
Manda Cleyne
Apr 24. 2016
O I agree Doreen I would try everything but what I am saying is that it is not that easy !!!!
Melissa Skwark
Apr 24. 2016
Janet Fehr is this what you guys were talking about last night?
CindyJo Morgan Melnichuk
Apr 24. 2016
Robert Melnichuk
Zona Kysar
Apr 24. 2016
Well I would imagine it is the skeptical people who are dying from cancer because they’re afraid to take a chance on something that is for sure will cure them
Melissa Skwark
Apr 24. 2016
Janet Fehr is this what you guys were talking about last night?
Doreen O'Toole
Apr 24. 2016
Manda Cleyne yes it is not an easy choice. I helped two friends, husband and wife. He had liver cancer, Sloan gave him 3 mos, no treatment could help him. Chemo or radiation. He was diagnosed on 911, a year later 2002 his wife was diagnosed with late stage 4 breast cancer. I had alternative books, and said, what do you have to lose. She started giving him vitamins and herbs. He lived 7 yrs. Sloan was shocked. It was unheard of, they said whatever you are doing keep doing it. He had eventually stopped taking his nutrients. His wife was scared, so she decided to take chemo, the cancer was in other areas of the body. But she also start taking nutritional supplements, which they told her she couldn’t take. But she didn’t listen, she had a mastectomy, radiation which she regretted. She beat it, but it came back, she lived 12 yrs. from her diagnosis. She always told me she wished she didn’t do treatment. One if the many books I had purchased to help my friend was “Cancer Step Outside the Box” by Ty Bollinger. Little did I know I would also be referring to that book when I was diagnosed with late stage 3 colorectal cancer. I was given 1-5 years even with chemo and radiation. I had one chemo treatment and felt I wouldn’t make it through the next. So I opted out and decided to live quality of life for whatever time I had left. I referred to some alternative methods in the book. My oncologist said, are you going alternative? She told me Sloan has a integrated Dr. I could see, I went and she suggested some herbs, vitamins and diet. That was 5 yrs ago. I have been cancer free. Praise God! I know it is a scary choice. But, the cocktail of poison that entered my body, was so brutal. I was given a 15% chance with chemo, a 5% with radiation. And it could come back within the year, suffer and dye. My girlfriend was still alive at the time. She told me your doing the right thing. If I had to do all over I wouldn’t have done treatment. I pray for babies, children, and people that go through treatment. My heart breaks. There are so many I know who were diagnosed after me, got treatment and pasted away. A young man with 4 children colon cancer, treatment, gone in 3 mos. on FB Cancer Truth, with Ty Bollinger.
Zona Kysar
Apr 25. 2016
Thank you for your testimony
It is just amazing the power of Prayer and having faith and helping your body with the proper nutrition
This combination scares a lot of people but I truly am a firm believer in it especially the power of Prayer God bless my friend
Doreen O'Toole
Apr 25. 2016
Zona Kysar while I was waiting for my pathology report to come back and confirm it was cancer. I gave the cancer to the God. He knows the day and hr he will take us home. Knows everything about us. He created us, knows everything cell, organ, muscle, bone, tissue. I told him to use me for whatever time I have left. Philippians 4:6,7 flooded my heart, soul and mind. As well as phiIlipians had the peace the passes all understanding, when I received the diagnosis. When my sons told me the report findings. I was fine, they were upset and shocked that I wasn’t upset. Yes! I thank and praise Him all the time, in the good times the bad times!
People Regaining Their Health Pics
May 12. 2016
I think stuff about great health are great who agrees?
Alles Paletti
May 12. 2016
Audrey K Showalter Pepple
May 12. 2016
The rind of the lemon and the orange contain bioflavonoids. Only I would lightly use a potato peeler to peel the outside as companies run them through a dye process. Be careful what you eat.
Travis Hilbert
May 13. 2016
I’m going to say myth, because it a lemon.
Hortensia Rodrigues Neal
May 14. 2016
I been eating the peel since I was small. Yummy
Almon J. Mayze
Feb 23. 2017
Shirley A Mayze haven’t read.
TCM Healing Secrets
Oct 19. 2017
Always love everything like this