Warts if left untreated, can grow much bigger and they can tend to spread. You could go buy some wart removal chemicals from your local pharmacy or get them burned off by at the doctors. But those ways are actually very toxic to the body. So, why not learn how to naturally remove them by using these natural home remedies on the Next Page.
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Julian Pondear
Sep 18. 2016
I am going to have to try some of these <3 🙂 I have tried apple cider vinegar before and it worked pretty well One more reason to love natural medicine! Ever since I switched to using natural remedies my life has really changed. Its so much better for your health and you can feel it. Instead of all of these toxic drugs that doctors force down our throats. I highly suggest getting into natural home medicine. If you want to learn a little bit more about it I suggest reading this story.