We all know that cannabis is one of the most effective natural remedy that can help us in curing cancer. And there are a lot of studies that have demonstrated it. But why has the government taken so long to admit it’s healing power? Did the government know this in 1974 and that’s why all further studies were shut down? Read on!
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Geoffrey Harris
Apr 10. 2015
It can do a heck of a lot more good than just that.
Kenny Mahar
Dec 05. 2017
once it’s legal and the government adds 2000 chemicals to hook everybody so they can rob people for more taxes it will be like tobacco and kill you off before you reach pension age,good system for politicians more money for them
Patty Thomason
Dec 05. 2017
They only admit it now that they own it
Oil Supplements
Dec 05. 2017
TCM Healing Secrets
Dec 06. 2017
<3 Nice
TCM Healing Secrets
Dec 06. 2017
Thanks for the info
Tina Godsey
Dec 07. 2017
Spini Cat