Learn some signs and some natural remedies to prevent fatty liver. Check out the article we found over at Healthy and Natural World.
The liver is the body’s second largest organ and plays an important role by breaking down fats, detoxifying the blood and changing the sugar naturally stored in a person’s body to usable sugar when normal glucose levels get low. It is important look after your liver to keep it healthy and to watch out for liver diseases such as a fatty Liver disease.
What is Fatty Liver Disease?
Fatty liver, or steatosis, is a broad term that describes the buildup of fats in the liver. Having fat in your liver is normal, but if more than 5 to 10 percent is fat, then it is called fatty liver disease.
Fatty liver is quite common and 10 to 20 percent of Americans have too much fat in their liver. Most cases of fatty liver are detected between ages 50 and 60.
Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease
The symptoms of fatty liver disease are usually very subtle but can include:
- Tiredness
- Weight loss or poor appetite
- Pain in the upper right abdomen
How to Prevent Fatty Liver Disease
Home Remedies
Many people turn to medical treatments and drugs to help reduce their risk of getting or treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. But there may be a better and more natural way for a person to do this and that is by using some effective home remedies. Here are a few choices that have been shown to be effective.
Natural Bile Boosters
Bile found in the liver helps to emulsify fats that have been eaten by a person to help digestion. Here are a few natural bile boosters:
- Artichokes
- Dandelion
- Green tea
- Lemon juice
In one study, people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who reported drinking coffee had less liver damage than those who drank little or no coffee. It’s not clear how coffee may influence liver damage or how much coffee you’d need to drink in order to prevent or treat fatty liver disease.
Next Article: A Safe & Successful Liver Cleanse Completed in 24 Hours
Read full article: Fatty Liver – Signs, Symptoms and How to Prevent It
Jan 21. 2016
There is all too much focus on the effects of alcohol on the liver and I find that issues such as Fatty Liver Disease get pushed to one side. As you’ve rightly put ‘…Many people turn to medical treatments and drugs to help reduce their risk of getting or treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. But there may be a better and more natural way for a person to do this…’ Green tea is a great option and one that is often cited, so is lemon juice but one thing that is particularly effective in this instance is Turmeric. It seems to be a wonder cure for all kinds of ailments at the moment (I’ve seen elsewhere on the site your article about it’s benefit to cognitive function) and it truly seems to be backed by some very solid research. One thing that many don’t realise though is that the major active ingredient in Turmeric is Curcumin which accounts for only 3% of ground or root Turmeric. To really see the benefit I’d crush a Turmeric extract tablet into warm milk or coconut milk, for maximum absorbtion. Aside from helping the liver (and your brain) the cancer fighting properties of Turmeric are well noted and well worth acquiring it for that benefit alone.