If you have pain in your body, you will want to stay away from some fruits and vegetables, that are also known as nightshades. Nightshades induce inflammation through a specific chemical known as solanine. For those that suffer from arthritis or an arthritis related disease such as lupus, rheumatism, and other musculoskeletal pain disorders just might need to watch what they eat according to Norman F. Childers, PhD. Eating nightshades, may be adversely affecting your health and causing you more pain. Learn the dangers of nightshades all on the Next Page.
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Hedda Hache
Mar 01. 2016
I find this hard to believe, and was also told about this by my doctor, and arthritis society before. I am now Vegan, and was on a cocktail of 5 different meds for RA. I no longer take any meds, and feel better than I have for years. 10 years Vegan <3
Janice Scheffer
Mar 02. 2016
Janice Scheffer
Mar 02. 2016
Janice Scheffer
Mar 02. 2016
Draha F. Kadlec
Mar 02. 2016
Nightshade vegetables and fruits.
Draha F. Kadlec
Jun 27. 2016
Nightshade veggies.