It is a well established general rule that an acidic body will be an unhealthy body. If your body becomes acidic, it leads to the creation of an unwanted, thriving environment for bacteria, yeast and illness. If your body becomes excessively acidic, it will start taking minerals from your bones and vital organs in order to neutralize this acid and eliminate it out of the body. This causes the mineral reserve in your body, comprising of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, to become dangerously low. It can result in a damage that continues for years, and then reaches a highly unhealthy stage. Eventually, your body will have acidosis.
Most people regularly take foods which form enough acid. Sugar, meats, dairy and grains must be regular part of your diet, but they all form acid. This means your body will be regularly producing acidic waste products due to metabolism. Therefore, it is essential to remove neutralize or remove these waste products. That’s why you should provide more alkaline foods to your body.
Mild acidosis involves poor pH balance in the body. These are the health problems which can be caused by mild acidosis:
- Inflamed sensitive cavities and gums
- Sciatica, stiff neck and lumbago
- Immune deficiency
- Respiratory problems, coughing, and shortness of breath
- Chronic fatigue and low energy
- Heart problems, increased heart rate, and arrhythmias
- Yeast fungal overgrowth
- Infections of kidney and bladder
- Cardiovascular damage that includes oxygen reduction and constriction of blood vessels
- Vomiting, nausea and diarrhea
- Obesity, diabetes and weight gain
- Headaches, sleepiness, and confusion
- Premature aging
- Osteoporosis, hip fractures, weak brittle bones, and bone spurs
- Accelerated free radical damage
- Acne and allergies
- Joint pain, lactic acid buildup and aching muscles
Body’s Own pH Adjusting Function
Our body has its own pH adjusting function, but that can be damaging to it. Most of our body fluids and tissues are alkaline except the stomach. Then there is blood, which can have its pH level change across a wide range. But it is important for the blood pH level to be maintained in the range 7.35-7.45. It also has a pH adjusting role.
So if your system becomes excessively acidic, your blood starts taking alkaline forming elements from your digestive enzyme system from within the small intestine. However, you shouldn’t allow this stage to form because it can affect the environment for digestion.
The point is that your body does have the ability to adjust its pH level by itself, but you shouldn’t allow it to do so. It can cause various health problems.
What is Your pH Level?
You should get a pH test so that you know what your body’s acidification level is. 6.75-7.25 is the healthy pH range of your body. Then there is the optimal pH reading, which comes to 7.36.
Taste is not a factor to tell you the acidic or alkaline level of food
Most of us believe that lemon is acidic because it has an acidic taste. It is also classified to be an acidic fruit. But it is an alkaline-forming food. It forms alkalinity during digestion. The acids get oxidized during digestion to form water and carbon dioxide. This means no acid condition is created in your system.
You should eat foods rich in the following minerals, because they are alkalizing minerals:
They are alkaline-forming foods.
Almost all foods have alkaline and acid minerals, and the foods with more acidic mineral concentration are acidic.
Continue on to the Next Page to learn more about Your Body’s Limits. Your body can compensate, but just how much can it? Learn it all on the Next Page as well as to how to improve your body’s alkalinity.
Perla Villaron
May 10. 2016
Kevin Harvey I think this is very useful info
Natural Healing Zone
May 10. 2016
Natural Healing Zone
May 10. 2016
anyone else like healthy living as much as i do
Stephen Redd
May 13. 2016
Nice, Thank You. 🙂
Barbara Jane Shedaker
Jun 30. 2016
Kathy Malinka
Kathy Malinka
Jun 30. 2016
Who knew? LOL
Beverly Vanhoy
Jul 01. 2016
Alles Paletti
Jul 01. 2016
Dina LaMarca
Sep 22. 2016
Celia Velez
Natural Healing Zone
Sep 22. 2016
More stuff on natural healing please like if you agree
Sep 22. 2016
Sweet :p
Celia Velez
Sep 22. 2016
Hence. The Mother Apple Cider !
Jennifer Rappa Sullivan
Sep 22. 2016
I do it too!!
Jennifer Townsend
Mar 10. 2017
Juathania Dixon